Congratulations! You have gotten past the organization’s HR gatekeepers and are ready to storm the tower. Here are some tips to ensure your interview goes well. Plan your travel route the night before to make sure you arrive early. Be….
How to Create a Professional Accounting Resume That Stands Out
Your resume is your first chance to make a great impression—but since employers can receive hundreds of resumes, it can be a challenge to stand out. Here are some tips to help you avoid the Human Resources black hole. ….
What You Need to Know about Pre and Post-Assessment Tax Reviews
What is a Pre or Post-Assessment Tax Review? A Pre or Post-Assessment Tax Review is a request from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for documents to support the tax deductions and credits claimed on your personal tax return. Why can’t….
10 Tips for Preparing a Professional Accounting Cover Letter
A cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself and provide details about why you are the right candidate for the position. Here are some tips to help you write a strong cover letter. Address it to the appropriate person….
How Online Accounting Can Change Your Life. Really!
If you’re still working with spreadsheets, cramming receipts into a shoebox or even if you’re using old CD versions of traditional desktop accounting software, there’s good news on making your life easier and saving a good deal of time and money.
How to Choose a Bookkeeper (and Avoid Bookkeeping Nightmares)
Hiring an independent bookkeeper can be a great way to keep your records organized. Many can provide services at a lower hourly rate than your accounting professional, but price is not the only factor to consider. Since bookkeepers are not….